
The user-friendly e-commerce platform.

Realise your growth ambitions

With the power of Shopware


Shopware is an open source e-commerce platform from Germany. In Germany, shopware is the most widely used e-commerce system and the system is growing strongly because of its flexibility and possibilities for webshop owners to customise the webshop themselves. Shopware has been active in e-commerce for more than 20 years and serves more than 100,000 customers with its various versions. Shopware 6 is the latest version of the e-commerce platform, which was released in early 2020 and is completely built according to the latest techniques. Ecomwise is an official partner of Shopware in the Netherlands.

Discover the benefits of Shopware

Shopware 6 has many advantages to use as an online shop platform. Below are the most important advantages.

User-friendly management panel

Shopware 6 has a very user-friendly and easy-to-use admin panel. This makes it very easy to maintain your webshop and catalogue.


Koppelbaar met andere systemen

Shopware 6 heeft standaard al koppelingen met belangrijke platformen zoals Google analytics. Shopware 6 is daarnaast uitgerust met een rijke set aan API’s en biedt veel standaardkoppelingen tussen andere systemen zoals ERP- en verzendsystemen.

Flexibel en uitbreidbaar

Door de snelle ontwikkelingen in de e-commerce markt is het belangrijk om een systeem te hebben waar makkelijk nieuwe functionaliteiten aan toegevoegd kan worden. Doordat Shopware 6 een open source e-commerce systeem is kan het uitgebreid en aangepast worden als dat nodig is. 

Broaden your knowledge

🧠 Want to know more about our other platforms?

We have many other platforms, which might better suit your needs. Think Magento, Akeneo or Ergonode.

⭐ Platforms in action


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