PHP7: Faster shop = higher conversion!

PHP is the most widely used scripting language in the world. It is an indispensable language in the code world, which is why globally known systems like WordPress and Magento run on it. In 2004, the last major version was released; PHP 5. PHP 5 was well embroidered on in the following years, but last year it made a big leap to PHP 7.


PHP7 + benefits

If you savour specs and code you can check out the improvements at the PHP website, but I am addressing what is possibly most important to you as a webshop owner.


That the speed of your webshop is related to your conversion rate is nothing new, of course, but should definitely not be underestimated. A research from Akamai and for example, is an eye-opener for many who may not have this high on their priority list. Here, for example, it shows that 1 second delay in load time can lead to 7% less conversion. Do the math on what that will cost you, or what it can save you if you go faster than you are going now!


Ecomwise <3 Byte

Needless to say, we work well and intensively with our friends at Byte. Together, we configure your Hypernode optimally (and keep improving it) and PHP7 runs great on your Hypernode. In addition, depending on your package, we can also implement Varnish to give your shop that extra boost!


I want a faster shop!

Rightly so! If you're already a customer with us, then you're already on Hypernode and we can get straight to implementing PHP7 to get those speed gains, increase conversions and take sales to a new level! Email or call one of us, we're waiting for you.

Are you not yet a customer, but see this opportunity? Email us at or call us at 030-2270465 to see how we can optimise your environment!

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