Orocommerce: The future of B2B e-commerce?

What is Orocommerce?

OroCommerce is a new open source e-commerce platform dedicated to B2B e-commerce. OroCommerce was developed by the former team that also founded Magento almost 10 years ago. The first stable version of OroCommerce was launched at the end of January. On 20 April, the first OroCommerce meeting was held in Eindhoven and of course we at Ecomwise were there.


Why Orocommerce?

OroCommerce was launched to fill the gap that many businesses experience when launching a business webshop. Many of the current platforms are standardly set up for the B2C market and although a B2C and a B2B webshop have many similarities, there are also significant differences. This is one of the reasons why we at Ecomwise have developed a number of products ourselves to properly deploy Magento as a B2B webshop with, for example, our Magento B2B Suite. OroCommerce is fully developed for the B2B Ecommerce market and already has many desired functionalities by default, such as quotes, company accounts, workflows and multiple shopping baskets.


Orocommerce's functionalities

Below is an overview of the main B2B Ecommerce functionalities present in OroCommerce by default:

Corporate accounts

With OroCommerce, you are able to manage complex corporate account structures. Buyers can also create user accounts themselves and set the appropriate rights for them.

Roles and Permissions

OroCommerce offers the possibility of setting roles and rights per user. For each user or user group, it can be determined which price lists can be used or which products can be viewed.

Customer-specific price lists

Orocommerce offers the ability to set up multiple price lists per customer. This offers the possibility of making complex pricing structures available online.

Multiple shopping baskets

OroCommerce allows buyers to add products to different shopping baskets. This makes it even easier for buyers to quickly prepare orders.


One of the common functionalities in B2B Ecommerce is working with quotes. OroCommerce offers the ability to request quotes for products and manage the quote process from the back end of OroCommerce.

Workflow management

One of the other powerful features of OroCommerce is the use of workflows. This allows you to set up complex workflows such as order approval by a manager in the system or skip certain payment steps such as selecting the shipping method or payment method.


The future of Orocommerce

As specialists in B2B Ecommerce, we are very excited about OroCommerce's capabilities. The amount of standard B2B functionalities the platform offers is enormous. Because the Oro commerce product has just been launched, it does not yet have as many standard links and integrations as best-of-breed webshop systems such as Magento but in any case, we are going to work with OroCommerce because we expect that in certain cases OroCommerce will be a better fit for B2B Ecommerce companies than, for example, Magento 2.


Want to know more or get a demo?

Want to know more about Oro commerce or receive a demo of the system? Then take contact with us, and we will be happy to show you the possibilities of OroCommerce.

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