Product information management (PIM).

Manage all your product data in one system.

Better product information

With a PIM system

Met een PIM (Product Information Management) systeem kun je jouw productdata verzamelen, verrijken en verspreiden. Door productinformatie centraal onder te brengen, kun je sneller inspelen op marktveranderingen, de klantbeleving verbeteren en bovenal: efficiënter werken.

Advantages of a PIM system

Correct and consistent product information makes the difference between a good and a bad customer experience. With a PIM system, all product information is managed and synchronised in one central location. It is therefore very interesting for companies that offer a wide range of products and distribute them on multiple sales channels. Centralising, standardising and enriching product data results in improved data quality and saves seas of time.

Centralisation of product information.

A PIM system centralises all product data. This ensures that everyone in the organisation has access to the same, up-to-date information, which improves the consistency and accuracy of product data.

Improved data quality.

PIM systems include data validation tools, reducing the risk of errors, duplicates and inconsistent data. This leads to better data quality.

Efficiency and cost savings.

A PIM system automates many tasks, such as updating product data on different channels, leading to significant time savings. By preventing errors and duplication, a PIM system also delivers significant cost savings.

Expertise guides

🧠 Want to know even more about PIM systems?

Er is nog zoveel meer om te vertellen over PIM systemen en deze kennis delen we maar al te graag met je. Ontdek onze expertise in PIM systemen in onze PIM systeem gids.

Our partners

Some of the technologies and systems we like to work with.

⭐ PIM system projects

🎓 Meer leren over PIM systemen


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