What does "onboarding" mean in a B2B webshop?
The onboarding process ensures that your customers are introduced and introduced to your (revamped) B2B webshop or B2B portal. Because business customers often have several options for ordering, it is important to let them properly experience the benefits of ordering online. One of the major advantages of a B2B portal is that customers place the order themselves and this order is automatically transferred to the ERP system without unnecessary manual activities. Therefore, you want the majority of your customers to order this way instead of retyping an order that has come in through the mail. The onboarding process ensures that customers experience the benefits of the B2B portal where they can place orders and retrieve order information at any time of the day.
Why is this onboarding process so important?
Research shows that in 40 to 60% of webshops built, users are not invited and introduced well enough. This results in either no return on investment, because the B2B webshop is not used enough, or in the need to invest even more. A terrible shame, and a step that is unfortunately often partially or almost completely skipped. From our experience, we have compiled 10 tips that you can use to ensure that customers quickly see the benefits of your B2B portal.
1. Start with a test group
Make sure that when you start a new B2B webshop you always work with a test group of customers. You often only get one chance to convince customers that this way of ordering is better, easier and faster than via e-mail or telephone. Select a number of representative customers who you know will gladly think along with you and provide feedback, and offer these customers first access to your new platform. This way, you can still make early adjustments.
2. Make it easy for the customer
The main characteristic of the business customer is that the business customer wants to find and order the right products as quickly as possible. No detours, no hassles. So make it as easy as possible and provide a good category structure, filters and search function and limit unnecessary steps in the checkout.
3. Ensure correct and complete product data
An advantage for business customers to order online is that orders can be placed at any time and customers can immediately see their own prices and current stock. This data should always be correct and complete. Most customers prefer to be able to arrange everything themselves, but that means that the data must be correct. Here, integrations with other systems such as the PIM system or ERP system essential.
4. Don't introduce too many features at once
Think about what the customers' main goal is in advance and make sure that this goal can be achieved as quickly and easily as possible. If you then introduce new functionalities step by step, you can make sure that this is actually based on customer feedback, as well as showing that you are not standing still and are constantly developing to offer the customer the best possible experience.
5. Give good reasons to order online
Not all customers are waiting for change. By consistently showing good reasons, you can persuade customers to use the webshop so they can experience these benefits for themselves. Think about certain discounts or offers that apply when ordering online, but also share successes and (pronounced) benefits of other customers who order online.
6. Involve the sales team
No one knows your customers better than the sales team. If they actively and enthusiastically promote and demonstrate the new platform to your customers, you are already halfway to victory. This also means that your sales team should be involved in this roadmap to customer introduction.
7. Work with a welcome programme
Some customers will need more help to make the new way of ordering their own and see the benefits. Make sure someone is available for questions during the introduction process. You can use a chat functionality for this that is open while they are in the shop, and build a nice frequently asked questions section with topics that come up often.
8. Train and help your customers
Some customers will need a little more help to make the new way of ordering their own and see the benefits. During the onboarding process, make sure someone is available for questions, for example, with a chat functionality, and offer an FAQ with topics that recur frequently.
9. Measure and improve!
Collect feedback from your customers and make sure you measure how many customers are actively using your B2B webshop. You can do this, for instance, by looking at the average order frequency and the number of times a customer logs in. If you want to know more about how to make the most of your data, read our blog "This is how you use data to get more sales from your B2B webshop".
10. Make an introduction plan
Work all these points into an introductory plan. Also think about what percentage of orders you want to place through the web shop and in what time frame you think you can achieve this. As mentioned earlier, ensure support within your own organisation, where it is very important that everyone who comes into contact with the customers is involved.
Want to know more about the best way to go about this for your B2B webshop or what else you can do to grow your business webshop? Then read our B2B webshop guide once through.